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Great review course. Took it via challenge status so it was an uphill battle from the start. If you put in the work, the results will be positive. I read all the pre-study material and took most of the quizzes before the LIVE review which helped set a base. The LIVE review was on point -- as the instructor (Tim) said "this isn't meant to make you a CFP, but rather allow you to pass the CFP exam" and that's the mindset/strategy that is reinforced over and over....The review allowed you to focus on what was really important and covered > 95% on what is on the exam (wasn't shocked by any questions). Highly recommend for anyone who wants to pass on first try!
Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney, LLC

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CFP Board-Registered programs available in Virtual or OnDemand formats with weekly or weekend only schedule options

Live Review

Live Review Exam Prep Study materials with Virtual or Live In Person formats by leading instructors

Continuing Education

Renew certificate with CFP Board approved courses including Code and Standards both Virtual and OnDemand formats

Securities Licensing

Securities Licensing Exam Prep Leading instruction with exam-focused materials